Seven of the US president’s critics had filed a complaint against him for “blocking” them on the social network, accusing him of interfering with their freedom of expression. Donald Trump released them Wednesday, to comply with the federal court’s decision last May.
Donald Trump released Wednesday a series of critics he had blocked on Twitter, appearing to comply with a judgment by a federal judge in May.
The US president was sued by seven people, who accused him of interfering with their freedom of expression by preventing them from reacting directly to his innumerable statements via Twitter.
These people are blocked, could not see his tweets or write him on the social network.
On May 23, New York federal judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ordered the Republican billionaire to unblock them.
41 People Blocked
The US Department of Justice had nevertheless announced in early June its intention to appeal this decision.
“The White House has taken steps to comply with the court’s decision, ” the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, a specialist institute defending freedom of expression, has summoned the president on of those seven Twitter users.
“Last month we reported to the Justice Department that 41 people blocked by the president based on their opinions, and we were informed that many of them have since been released,” the Knight Institute said. .
Others “Always Blocked”
According to the Knight Institude other people were “still stuck” and Institute called on the White House to “unblock them immediately. ”
Several people unblocked immediately rejoiced on Twitter, determined to immediately resume their criticism of the American president.
Jon Wolfsthal – @JBWolfsthal – former head of the Obama administration, tweeted to Donald Trump: “Thank you for unlocking me, I can now tell you what I think, get ready. ”
I get unblocked by Trump just in time to say that @FBI has said this is not true, there is no evidence of this, and Trump just made this up. https://t.co/V2LbA7sEJJ
– Jon B. “Globalist” Wolfsthal (@JBWolfsthal) August 29, 2018
Donald Trump has made Twitter his favorite media, and almost daily uses the social network to announce measures or appointments, congratulate his supporters or attack his opponents. His account is followed by some 54 million people.