The cat, like all other animals, inevitably sheds hair throughout the year. The hair grows and dies continuously, cyclically, which is a completely natural phenomenon in animals. However, at times it happens to find tufts of hair, more provided, and more frequently on the carpet or on the sofa. This sudden hair loss can be normal, but it can also be a symptom of a deeper cause.
Since the cat’s coat is the first visible clue of its state of health, a particularly abundant loss of its hair should never be taken lightly, and sometimes requires the consultation and in-depth analyzes of a veterinarian. So what can be the different causes of hair loss in cats? I can give you little tips to limit hair removal in cats as well as the various possible cat treatments.
My cat is losing his hair, what could be the cause?
When you notice that your cat is losing more hair, you should know that this may be due to a natural cause, or be the symptom of an infection or dysfunction that must then be treated. How to make the difference?
The loss of hair in cats linked to seasonality
If you already own a cat, you must have noticed more hair loss at two key times of the year: in the spring and in the fall. Indeed, the cat has two moults in the year. The first occurs before summer, it then loses all its winter hair to prepare for the warm season with a light coat, and the second occurs before winter, its summer hair gives way to a coat. more supplied and therefore warmer, which will withstand the cold well.
In these two periods, hair loss can be impressive at times, especially in long-haired cats, but no need to worry, it is only a seasonal phenomenon.
Parasites, the cause of significant hair removal
On the other hand, if you notice that your cat is losing more hair than usual outside of these two moulting periods, it may be a sign of an infection linked to parasites. The two most common parasitic diseases are Ringworm and Flea Bite Allergic Dermatitis. These two diseases are treatable, however, they cause intense itching causing significant hair loss.
Ringworm is recognizable because it is a fungus that thrives by feeding on the keratin present in the hair. When it develops, circular-shaped areas appear on the head, back, and thighs. Ringworm is very contagious and must be treated quickly because it can also be transmitted to humans. DAPP, caused by fleas, causes strong attacks of itching that cause the cat to scratch violently, to the point of pulling out the hair.
Other parasites can also be the cause of hair loss such as mange or demodicosis, a rarer infection in cats, identifiable with very marked hair removal around the muzzle, mouth, and eyes.
Hair loss, a sign of hormonal imbalance?
Another factor that can be the cause of abundant hair loss is hormonal imbalance. Indeed, the hair grows under the influence of hormones. If it gets lost excessively, it is possible that the cat has a problem with the thyroid and adrenal glands.
When it comes to a hormonal disorder, hair loss is often localized on the flanks and back of the feline. In this case, the skin also changes appearance, it thickens or thins, and small dandruff is often visible. To verify that it is indeed hormonal imbalance, the only solution is to consult a veterinarian who will then perform a blood test.
Other causes causing cat hair loss
Hair loss in cats can also be caused by other factors that can be controlled. For example, ask yourself about the diet that you give your cat regularly: is it adapted to its metabolism? Is it quality food? Indeed, it has been shown that some low-end kibble can cause dysfunctions in the cat’s body, such as excessive hair loss. If your cat is not infected with parasites and has no hormonal issues, then try changing her diet.
Likewise, it is possible that a food allergy is the cause of hair loss. To be sure, it is necessary to carry out analyzes to determine what types of food cause these allergies and thus avoid giving them to your little companion.
A cat that is losing hair can be a cat with behavioral problems such as anxiety, stress, or depression. The discomfort can indeed push the cat to pull out its hair. It is important to look for the cause of the discomfort in order to react accordingly, especially since a depressive state can cause a total loss of appetite. You can then treat it with a care for the stressed cat.
Finally, you should know that the age of the cat can be linked to the density of its coat. An older cat will generally tend to have more sparse fur.
How to remedy cat hair loss?
Whether the cat is losing hair naturally or for some other reason, it’s important to limit hair loss as much as possible. Indeed, in addition to the cleanliness of your cushions and your rugs, limiting the loss of hair of the cat, it is to prevent that too big balls of hair from forming in its stomach. For this, we advise you to brush shorthair cats at least once a week with a soft brush, and at least twice a week longer haired felines. During periods of moulting, do not hesitate to increase the frequency of brushing according to the importance of depilation.
To reduce the loss of hair of your companion, there are also effective and natural food supplements like brewer’s yeast for example, which will also make the coat soft and shiny.
Also remember to deworm your cat on a regular basis, two to four times a year depending on whether the cat stays inside or if he goes out regularly, in order to limit the risk of parasitic diseases. If your cat is already affected, do not hesitate to consult the veterinarian who will prescribe an adequate treatment.
As a preventive measure or when the parasites are already there, there are antiparasitic sprays to be sprayed throughout the home, and particularly in the places preferred by your cat to fight against ticks, fleas, and other pests.
In any case, if your cat’s hair loss seems excessive, the right thing to do is to seek advice from your veterinarian in order to find the cause and the means to treat it.