You can easily change the display settings on your iPhone. However, if you are not careful enough, you can easily include the wrong colors. We’ll show you how to avoid it.
After my family has read an article about how colors can affect the brain, and what happens when we look at a perfectly saturated display, they try to set Grayscale as dominant on their phones. They quickly returned to the preset adjustments, as they were not satisfied with the results of the change.
Most of them were tortured by a green display. It sounded suspicious, so I asked one of them to show me my device. My assumptions were correct – the problem was caused by poor adjustments. If you see some strange odors on your iPhone display, do the following before going to the service.
Go to Settings> General> Accessibility. Here you will find advanced display settings. Touch Display Accommodations, then touch Color Filters. You can also adjust the Gray tones (if this option is on, this may be a problem).
If your device’s display is reddish (this is the most common of three options), you probably have included that filter in the menu. The red / green filter is hard to notice. Of course, if you look at pictures on the internet or Facebook, you will notice that something is wrong. So turn off the Color Filters! Make sure Auto-Brightness and Reduce White Point options are also turned off.
Auto-Brightness can cause strange color distortions, which is especially annoying for those who create or edit photos on your iPad. The Reduce White Point option may reduce the intensity of light colors and affect the contrast. If you set too low a value, the intensity of bright colors will also be reduced.
If you go to the Display Brightness menu, you can find more interesting settings. For example, the Night Shift mode gives the display a yellowish tint and can be set when you want it to be used. Otherwise, it is used at night, but it sheds a lot of color on the display, so if you want to enjoy the perfect colors – that’s not the option for you.
Also, do not use True Tone on iPad Pro, iPhone 8 and iPhone X, as it adjusts the color to the actual lighting conditions.