The United States offers this reward in exchange for information to identify or locate the one who is considered an “emerging leader” of al-Qaeda.
The United States on Thursday offered a reward of up to $ 1 million for any information to find Hamza bin Laden, presented as a “key leader” of al-Qaeda.
Considered to be Osama bin Laden’s favorite – or even designated – successor, the founder of the network behind the Sept. 11 2001 attacks, Hamza was already on the US blacklist of people accused of terrorism.
According to the US State Department, which promises to give the money in exchange for information “to identify or locate it in any country” , it is an “emergent leader” of Al Qaeda .
“Since at least August 2015, he has been posting audio and video messages on the internet calling for attacks against the United States and its Western allies, and he has threatened attacks against the United States in revenge for the death of his father, killed in May 2011 by American soldiers , ” the US diplomat wrote in a statement.
“Crown Prince of Jihad”
According to specialists from Islamist groups, the young man, now in his thirties, is in charge of the Ansar al-Fourqan group, which has been attracting the most indoctrinated fighters of al-Qaeda in Syria for a few months. or the Islamic State jihadist organization.
Hamza bin Laden is often considered the “crown prince of jihad” : documents, including letters revealed by AFP in May 2015, show that Osama bin Laden destined him to succeed him at the head of the global anti-Western jihad .
Among the jihadist leader’s archives seized during the 2011 US raid during which he was killed in Pakistan, and unveiled at the end of 2017 by the CIA, is also a video of the marriage of his son Hamza, apparently in Iran, of which we have thus discovered the first images in adulthood.
But we do not know if he is still in Iran, Syria or Afghanistan.