After months of diplomatic turmoil, escalation and tension, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will meet in Singapore on June 12. At this historic summit, the two leaders will discuss a crucial issue about the “denuclearization” of North Korea.
It was already known that if he will stand for it, the historic summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un would take place in Singapore on June 12. Now we know the time only: the American president and the North Korean leader will meet at 9 am local time Singapore.
“We are actively preparing for this summit,” said Sarah Sanders, spokeswoman Donald Trump, saying that “significant progress” had been made in discussions with Pyongyang.
Special area
The preparations were shaken by turnarounds and a diplomatic game, Donald Trump even announcing the inauguration time of the summit.
Singapore has defined a “special zone” in the heart of its territory from June 10 to 14 for this historic summit.
The city-state government said the perimeter would include the Tanglin, Newton and Orchard neighborhoods where the office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US Embassy and several major hotels are located, like Shangri-La, already mentioned as possible place for the meeting.