From the 1.4 billion vehicles that exist nowadays across the world nearly all of them use gasoline or fossil fuels to power themselves. We are all too familiar with gasoline and Diesel-powered cars. These have been a part of almost every person’s life in the developed world for decades now. But the time of fossil fuel-powered cars is coming to an end a lot sooner than any of us expected it. I’m making this article being a huge fan of all kinds of Cars and Car engineering, and now it is time to recognize where society and the future are headed and it’s going towards electric vehicles.
And the reason why fuel-powered vehicles will end it is because unfortunately they are contributing substantially to the overall Global Climate crisis Transportation industry in general. Sixteen percent of all the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from it. But it can be broken down into several different parts: rail accounts for a about 1% of the transportation, while cargo and ships account for 10% in Aviation as the others and percent while the overwhelming majority is the true different Vehicles driving on the road, trucks, SUVs, garbage trucks, buses, and 18-wheelers contribute 30%, which is nearly three times as many emissions as the entire aviation industry, meanwhile Automobiles, SUVs and Motorcycles amount for 7 times as many editions as the shipping and cargos industries. This means the seven and a half percent of the entire world’s emissions are coming just from traffic on our roads further. Even more, the demand for transportation is going to be substantially increased in the future as the population continues to rise exponentially. Hence the imperative need and demand for Electrical Vehicles (EVs).
The number of vehicles in the world can more than double by 2060 while Aviation will more than triple by 2070. All of these increases are going to dramatically increase the rate of global emissions and it isn’t simply compatible with International climate agreements as the most widespread of these agreements: The Paris Climate Accord has been ratified by nearly every country in the world which aims at preventing the world from being 2 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels in the 19th century. Ideally, the agreement would actually restrict all to just one and a half degrees Celsius of the era before the Industrial Revolution.
But we have already one degree warmer.. So in order to limit the increase to just one and a half degrees, all countries around the world have to make significant cuts to their emissions over the next decade and one obvious way to do that is by “reducing the emissions of the transportation industry.” And the most obvious way to do that is by getting more and more people to adopt electric vehicles or EVs. You’ve maybe heard that EVs are just as polluting or even more so than conventional fossil fuel vehicles. But the simple fact is that this is just wrong.
It is true that for their production they have a larger carbon footprint to actually increase the production number of EVs on the market than the environmental damage caused in keep on running and producing the current fossil fuel vehicles, but in the long run, they’re far more ecological. Because it is only in their production that they use and burn natural resources, from then on, their use is nowhere to be compared to the constant burning of fossil fuel vehicles, which continuously leave a carbon footprint damaging our environment and pushing towards a warmer climate through pollution. EVs are the Ecological transportation revolution of the present times!. Also it worth noticing that whereas a fossil fuel vehicle usually needs around 70.000 pieces produced to ensamble (from screws and bolts to the larger ones as body or seats) the electric vehicles reduce this requirement to around 40.000 pieces, a considerable decrease in the manufacturing needs.
Let’s take an EV when they start although they create the 26-ton carbon footprint before leaving the factory which is substantial. However, it starts to be powered completely by clean energy sources, which means that if you follow their kilometers of driving their carbon footprints are non-existent, And yes, this is consistently true across all EV’s. Therefore, although they’re generally more polluting to create at first over time they will be significantly less polluting than fossil fuel vehicles are and because of that simple fact governments and countries around the world are making plans right now to completely change their societies into any fossil fuel vehicles and making the switch to electrification in order to reduce their own emissions.
So here we are so far, across the European Union they have some form of general timeline planned to apply these restrictions in place for petrol and diesel-powered vehicles. First, some countries will have a national restriction which will go into effect to begin the banning of the sale of all patrol Vehicles by 2025, of course, the now currently existing diesel and petrol vehicles will still be able to be driven. But people just won’t be able to buy an extra one.
In countries like Norway, it has already begun to take effect affecting over 60% of new car purchases, which is the highest market share of any country in the world so far. They are far from being the only place that’s planning on restricting the sale of fossil fuel vehicles in the future. They’re just the first one, which is awesome. Followed by Austria which will be limiting the registration of new taxis and rideshares by 2027 and by 2030 Denmark Sweden Iceland and the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Netherlands, Slovenia, and India all have some kind of plan to adapt to clean energy transportation. In addition. Israel also has planned by 2030 to eliminate the importation of any petrol or diesel vehicles as a whole.
Regarding populated cities also there will be strict law not to use the petrol and or diesel vehicles inside of them by 2030 as well. These include London, Bristol, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Heidelberg, Athens, Los Angeles, Seattle, Mexico City, Cape Town, Auckland, and surely more to come. Japan is also planning on limiting the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles and this will certainly end up having the most profound act on the automotive industry. Because the Japanese automobile market is one of the largest and most influential in the world with huge Brands like Toyota Honda Nissan Subaru Mazda and others becoming highly affected by this policy. The United Kingdom is also attending on leaving the sale of plug-in hybrid vehicles by this point. And despite the transportation industry amounts for 30% of all of America’s greenhouse gas emissions the United States doesn’t currently have any plans at the federal level yet. It is becoming too late for deciding on that policy. Nonetheless, progressive states as California and Massachusetts so far made plans to eliminate also fuel vehicle sales.
By 2040 the entirety of Canada is expected to eliminate new fossil-fuel vehicle sales. The province of British Columbia is taking it a step further with plans to eliminate all existing fossil fuel vehicles with plans to rely exclusively on EVs. Eventually, Egypt, France, Spain, and other main countries all have the same purpose. The Chinese government is currently investigating a timetable. They don’t have anything solid. However, China is the world with over half of the world’s total be located inside of the country, but the developed world’s that they ditching their petrol and diesel cars and replacing them with EV’s present additional and perhaps unexpected challenges as laws related to petrol and diesel vehicles become more stringent in the developed world and the fans for any Vehicles becomes greater than developing one more and more people and companies are going to just be dumping petrol and diesel vehicles.
The world is at the tipping point for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, and it’s going to happen steadily over the course of the 2020s. Every renowned car company has started working to adapt and produce clean vehicles, we can see it with Volkswagen the world’s largest automobile manufacturer looking to transition to an all-electric car, as well, like Fiat, Honda, GM, Toyota, and other main ones. And with Tesla surging ahead to become the world’s most valuable car company. Although the internal combustion engine will stick around for a while longer it’s almost certain that the future is going to be almost entirely Electric. The world will soon stand at a crossroads. If enough is not done to address the wicked climate crisis it can be expected to raise global temperatures, it will be more than two degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, which will have catastrophic consequences for all of us, and for governments and corporations. And individuals like you and me have to do what we can to reduce and mitigate this catastrophe by reducing our emissions, and this is just one of the many steps we have to take. Electric Cars and the use of clean energies, along with recycling, reusing, repairing, will be necessary activities in everyone’s future.