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Syria, Dangerous Climbing

“Do not leave us alone! This call from a Syrian to France resonates endlessly. He can not let the consciences inert. Because it carries the complaint of millions of Syrians victims of an inhuman conflict which turns into a war with global implications.

This week, the United Nations sounded the alarm. There is “a risk of regional and international confrontation,” warned the representative of France. “This is the most violent moment, the most disturbing and dangerous …”, said Staffan de Mistura, the special envoy for Syria.

Yet, after the near-defeat of Daesh, we could hope that a path of peace opens in Syria to stop the suffering of this people. But in a few days, the country has again turned into violence. Countries in the region and major powers have clashed more and more directly.

“Destroying Syria”

Civilians are under fire from multiple fights. The Syrian regime is accused of using chemical bombs! The humanitarian situation is getting worse. The United Nations is calling for a truce to send relief to the besieged populations, especially in the Ghouta where food is lacking. UNICEF is calling for the evacuation of the children and the wounded, trapped. More than 6 million people are hungry according to the United Nations.

Deaf to these calls, the escalation of violence continued: “We are witnessing the cutting of Syria in various areas of influence,” says researcher Joseph Bahout. Turkey, Iran, Russia, USA, Israel … Everyone is looking for their own interests. But they are opposed! The Turkish army entered Syria against the Kurds. Iran and Israel clashed. Russia sent mercenaries, some were killed by the United States where there are significant gas and oil resources. The old international tensions are resurging between powers that are, on the ground, allied to opposing armies or groups.

> Rescue the victims from one of the buildings destroyed in the bombing of Al-Ghouta [Reuters]

Observers note a recent lull. But nothing is settled so far. The peace of the region seems more and more at the mercy of an accident whose global repercussions it could trigger. It is high time to respond to repeated calls from the United Nations. They call on all parties to respect international law and to come together under their aegis to find a political solution, the only one capable of “putting an end to the terrible violence of the Syrian people”.

The future of Syria must emerge in conciliation and not in chaos, in a negotiation based on the law and not on power relations that crush people. If states with conflicting interests continue to clash in Syria and nothing stops them, then it could be the beginning of a wider confrontation with unpredictable consequences. The Syrian people will enter March in its 8th year of war. It is already crying, 500,000 dead and millions of refugees and displaced people. Do not give up!

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