Why schedule lawn maintenance now? It’s February. There’s still some latent snow on the ground. Denver gardeners may have other things on their mind. While you’re perusing seed catalogs, graphing this years garden and wishing for spring, other people are making appointments with their local landscaper. Our favorite local landscape company is C&K Landscaping. They’re already scheduling this years aeration work and more.
Denver landscaping companies appreciate early planners. They know allowing gardeners to schedule their lawn maintenance early is important. We green thumbs are busy tending our gardens in spring and summer. The less we have to think about lawn care, the better. Getting that maintenance schedule onto the gardening calendar saves both time and anxiety.
What type of lawn maintenance can be scheduled now? Jesse Faulkner Kashman, of C&K Landscaping says just about any of their services can be planned out well in advance. In fact, doing so is appreciated. It’s beneficial to your landscape and your local landscaper. Knowing what to expect for the season allows them to map out their work schedules, supplies and more. This means you get more efficient service as well.
You might want to plan ahead for:
Mowing / Edging
Weed and pest control
Landscape design services
Order your landscape materials now. Decide what kind of landscape materials you’ll need this spring. Have them ordered to be delivered in timely, budget friendly increments. Your landscaper can help with this or you can do it yourself. Our favorite Denver landscape materials supplier is Sante Fe Sand and Gravel. Their prices are very reasonable. The quality of the materials is excellent and the service is wonderful.
You might need to order:
Supplemental gravel for the driveway
Garden soil / Soil amendments
Fill dirt for low areas
February isn’t just about seed catalogs. Schedule your spring and summer lawn maintenance now. Take the time to calculate your landscaping material needs as well. Set up your spring maintenance early. Once the snow melts, you have only to enjoy your favorite pastime in the Denver garden.