A powerful typhoon, considered the most violent, hitting Japan directly for 25 years, docked on Tuesday at midday. Hurricane Jebi is accompanied by gusts of up to 220 km / h in places. The images are impressive.
Japanese authorities on Tuesday issued evacuation instructions for over a million residents and canceled several hundred flights in the face of the extremely violent winds of Typhoon Jebi , which landed on the island of Shikoku.

Jebi is the latest in a series of natural calamities to hit Japan , which this summer has seen a litany of plagues – torrential rains, landslides, floods and record heat – which have left hundreds dead.
Incroyables images du Typhon Jebi qui touche actuellement le Japon ! #Typhon #TyphoonJebi #typhoon21 #Jebi #Japon #Japan pic.twitter.com/aw6snSOapd
— Nautiljon (@nautiljon) September 4, 2018
The storm swell was the highest ever recorded since a typhoon in 1961, state television NHK reported. The flood waters even covered the runways of Kansai International Airport, built on an artificial island in Osaka Bay.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, it was 25 years since a typhoon of this power had not touched the archipelago. At mid-day, it landed at Shikoku, the smallest island of the four main islands of the Japanese archipelago. Then it swept the western part of Honshu, the main island and in the Kobe area, a few hours later.

Authorities have asked more than a million people to evacuate on highly effected areas where the winds and rains were strengthening. Gusts of up to 208 km/h were recorded at one location in Shikoku, and peaks of up to 216 km/h were forecast.

The strong winds blowing over western Japan damaged an oil tanker against the bridge that connects Kansai International Airport to the coast, which is on an artificial island.
A fuel tanker has collided into a bridge linking Kansai International airport to city. The airport has flooded and flights have been suspended. pic.twitter.com/UzrYX2NgTm
— NHK WORLD News (@NHKWORLD_News) September 4, 2018
上空から見た様子です。タンカーがぶつかって、連絡橋にめり込んだ状態になっています。 #台風の被害 pic.twitter.com/Nj5vM2Nqdp— NHK生活・防災 (@nhk_seikatsu) September 4, 2018
It fell 100 mm of rain on a district of Kyoto in only one hour, and the meteorological services envisaged until 500 mm in 24 h, between this Tuesday noon and Wednesday noon.

More than 700 flights were canceled, with many rail and ferry services, NHK reported. Shinkansen (high-speed train) services were suspended between Tokyo and Hiroshima, and Universal Studios Japan (theme park) near Osaka is also closed.

Nearly 180,000 households in western Japan were leaving without electricity at this moment, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Finance said.

The capital, Tokyo, is not directly on the path of the typhoon but expected heavy rains and strong winds by the end of the day. Jebi passed near areas of western Japan that were severely affected by rains and floods responsible for more than 200 deaths.