Don’t feel too old, you have just begun an entirely new chapter of your life. Holidays are an important part of the year and if you are lucky enough you can go on holiday or on a short break more than once in a year. But what are your preferred holidays? Are going always in the same place with the same people?

Shake up your holidays with these 5 must try holidays.
5 types of holiday you should definitely try if you are over 50s…
- 1. Walking holidays: there are many organised groups that provide walking holidays in which you spend a consistent time walking and exercising. On walking holidays, you get the opportunity to enjoy breath taking views which you do not have the opportunity to see otherwise. Plus, walking ensures a better circulation and stress release.
- 2. Cruising: this is absolutely one of the best over 50s holidays, as many peers chose this option to travel. On a cruise ship you can be pampered and have everything you have always dreamed of at disposal. This way of travelling is also comfortable to see multiple locations on a single voyage. Cruising is also ideal for solo travellers because there are always many group activities and single parties on board.
- 3. Camping: Have you have ever been camping? If not, you should definitely try this experience out. Do not concentrate on the negative sides of camping such as animals and lack of water, but think of the magic closeness to the nature that must be tried once in a lifetime.
- 4. Working holidays: no this is not a mistake, you can enjoy working on your holiday and in exchange you travel for free. Do you like this deal? It is not that bad, you get to experience new realities and contribute to the society and you can travel for free. There are many websites which offers this solution, one of them is Wwoofing whose aim is to make you work open air on the country side and embrace an organic lifestyle.

- 5. Swap your home: intriguing, right? It is all about being willing to cede your home for a week or so to a stranger and go to his/her own house. This is a brilliant idea to have a nice holiday on a budget and who knows? To make new friends.
Have you got any inspirations?
Leave your comments and tell us about your personal original way of travelling.