New three-dimensional breast imaging techniques such as ABUS (Automated Breast Ultrasound System) ultrasonography and ultrasound scan more accurately detect even very small cancers.
Tomography is a three-dimensional breast imaging technology and is the progression of mammography. By depicting the breast from many different angles with the taming, avoiding tissue overlaps, distinguishing suspicious findings and even revealing a very minor lesion. Thanks to this technique, the diagnosis of breast disorders is achieved more precisely.
If the results of the synthesis show something suspicious then an ultrasound examination is performed. Ultrasound examination of the breast is a subjective examination and the result depends on the training and the experience of the performer. The ABUS three-dimensional ultrasound scans the entire breast and the doctor has an objective picture of the whole breast for more accurate results.
The assistant professor of the Department of “Medicine of the School of Health Sciences”, Ioannis Chrysogonidis, will explain more on the occasion of a training seminar on “Continuing Education in Breast Imaging: From Basic and Fundamental to New Techniques” which will be organized by the Hellenic Breast Implants Society and will take place on March 17th (9.00-16.00) at the Research Results Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
At the center, the workshop will be the new techniques of breast implant imaging, with the newest for the diagnosis and management of situ porcine breast cancer, the correlation of the findings of mammography, ultrasound and magnetic mammography, preoperative diagnosis with biopsy (stereotactic biopsy, directional ultrasound biopsy and directional biopsy with magnetic resonance imaging), but also the way the doctor should communicate the results to the patient. At the same time, a workshop will be held, dedicated to preoperative diagnosis with directed biopsies under ultrasound guidance.
Speaking with the organizing committee of the conference, Mr. Chrysogonidis said: “The workshop is organized with the aim of upgrading the education in the visualization of the pathology of the breast. The subject is related to specialized issues of diagnosis of breast disorders as well as to the importance of multidisciplinary co-operation of all specialties for better treatment of women who suffer, so as to ensure better prognosis. “