After the heavy demand of the users, WhatsApp has started its new feature for all users. The name of this new feature is ‘Delete for Everyone’. WhatsApp users will now be able to see ‘Delete for Me’ in addition to ‘Delete for Everyone’ in their app.
What is ‘Delete for Everyone’feature
Using the ‘Delete for Everyone’feature, the user will be able to delete the messages done by the person who receives his or her message.
What is ‘Delete for Me’ feature
With the help of this feature, the user will be able to delete his message only in his app. Instead of the deleted messages you can see , “This message was deleted”.
Before using this feature, it is important to pay attention to two things.
Both users should have the latest versions of WhatsApp
These features will only work within 7 minutes of sending messages. After this, it is not possible to delete the message.
How to use
These methods have to be used to delete a message in WhatsApp
First go to a chat
- Select the message you want to delete.
- Then select delete on the top of the screen that appears
- Now choose the option for Delete for Everyone from the three options that are visible in the pop-up.
- You can select and delete many messages simultaneously, too. This feature works with every kind of message.
Instagram messenger used these features
Users have already seen this new feature of on Instagram. There was no feature in Instagram like ‘Delete for Me’. Once you delete the message in the chat box, the message will be deleted from both sides.