Legal Aid in Memphis Tennessee


We cannot refer you to a specific lawyer or assist a lawyer in private practice. However, if you need legal representation for a private matter, you can contact the Memphis Bar Association (901) 527-3573 for a referral. “If you have the opportunity to get solid legal advice before you`re in a courtroom, in front of a judge, in front of another co-lawyer, you want to come in and see what steps I can take,” Whitney said. Memphis Area Legal Services (MALS) is the primary provider of civil legal assistance to low-income and seniors in southwest Tennessee, anchored in Memphis, Shelby County, along with three other counties, Tipton, Fayette and Lauderdale, encompassing its four-county service division. MALS has two offices — one in downtown Memphis, which serves Shelby County, and the Covington office, which serves the three smallest rural counties. The main goal is to help consumers understand their legal rights, but Whitney says they can also help with things like documents. Memphis Area Legal Services Memphis Area Legal Services, Inc. (MALS) provides free legal assistance in civil (non-criminal) matters to individuals in Fayette, Lauderdale, Shelby, and Tipton counties, Tennessee. Most of our services are only available to people with low incomes or seniors. Every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Whitney and other attorneys provide free legal aid to the Memphis Area Legal Services Consumer Advice Clinic. There are several legal aid organizations in Tennessee.

These organizations are nonprofit law firms that offer certain types of free legal aid to people who can`t afford a lawyer: Memphis, Tennessee. – If you are sued by a debt collector, landlord or in a dispute over a bad deal, there is a way to get free legal advice and possibly win your case without a lawyer. Community Legal 543-3395 The Memphis legal community is fortunate to have a plethora of lawyers who are interested and willing to donate their time and talents to those less fortunate and contact us to offer their help. Memphis Area Legal Services` pro bono projects consist of a variety of volunteer opportunities for lawyers, paralegals and law students. Memphis Bar 527-3573 PLEASE NOTE: Consultation at these clinics does NOT guarantee legal representation. PRO BONO VETERANS CLINIC A veteran support legal clinic is held every second Tuesday of the month on the 11th floor of 1407 Union Avenue from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Volunteer lawyers advise veterans on issues such as child support, expungement of criminal records, driver`s license revocation, and debts. Lawyers cannot advise on veterans` benefits. West Tennessee Legal Services Jackson Offices Locations – 800.372.8346 210 W. Main Street Dyersburg 208 South Church Avenue Huntingdon 113 West Paris Street He told WREG: “A lot of people don`t know at all that they may disagree.” Consumers can just come in. Whitney says they want to catch people before they go to trial.

If you need legal services at little or no cost, the following organizations may be able to help: He added: “We have seen people with problems with rental companies, people who have bought cars that were mentioned earlier and who have a debt that they owe for it, But in reality, it only helps consumers of goods or services. 2SLAC – The 2nd Saturday Legal Clinic (formerly Saturday Legal Clinic) is held every second Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library, 3030 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN. legal services for the homeless; Areas of law include, but are not limited to, employment assistance, estates, taxes, certain criminal and family matters. Rassendiskriminierung Arbeitsrecht im Tennessee Arbeitsrecht, Rassendiskriminierung • Community Legal Center • Tennessee Justice Center • Disability Law and Advocacy Center • Southern Migrant Legal Services • Gerechtigkeit für unsere Nachbarn von Tennessee • Memphis Area Legal Services • West Tennessee Legal Services • Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands • Southeast Tennessee Legal Services • Legal Aid of East Tennessee Craig Barnes ist Managing Attorney bei MALSI’s Droit de la consommation Einheit. Ort: Memphis Area Legal Services 899-A Hwy. 51 South Covington TN “Last week a guy came in and he just needed help filling out an affidavit of need, and that helped him file his petition without having to pay the cost.” How to File a Small Lawsuit in Davidson County General Legal Resources He says there are dozens of cases every day where plaintiffs get default judgments simply because the defendant/consumer doesn`t show up. Barnes says MALSI started the Tuesday clinic after seeing a great need. are many resources to look for or look for, including: “You have a right if you don`t agree at all, or even if you`re not sure about the debt, you have the right to demand verification or proof of debt, they have to prove that you owe the debt, not the other way around.” Memphis Area Legal 523-8822 Prenuptal and Postnuptial and Postnuptial Prenuptial and Postnuptial Location: Hospitality Hub 146 Jefferson Avenue Memphis TN Homeless Experience Legal Protection Clinic NOTE: It is always in your best interest to call or email to confirm that a clinic is being held.

Tennessee Legal Aid ServiceState Services DirectoryTennesian Bar AssociationShelby County Probate Court (wills and estates)Permits and licensing office (alcohol for drinking, special events permits, and demolition and towing services)Circuit Court (divorces and tax sales)Shelby County Juvenile CourtTraffic violationsExpungement programTennessee State Expungement ProgramChild Support ServicesCounty Clerk of Shelby (trailer and marriage certificate)State of TN Attorney General Sessions Court Bryson Whitney is an attorney at Memphis Area Legal Services. It will be held in Room 119 of Shelby County Justice D`Army Bailey`s Courthouse, 140 Adams. In fact, Barnes says the biggest mistake consumers make is not going to court and standing up for their rights.


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