For more information about CLEAR, see: www.nwjustice.org/get-legal-help If you can afford to pay a lawyer, call the Lawyer Referral Service at 603-229-0002. If you are eligible for assistance, you will be transferred to speak to legal counsel. Please gather the documents and facts relevant to your case before calling so that we can assist you as soon as possible. Legal counsel will talk to you about your situation and try to help you resolve the issue. If necessary, legal counsel can make an appointment to come to one of our offices or arrange for another lawyer to assist you. Armed Forces Legal Assistance – Find nearby military facilities with legal aid offices. Thank you, Sarah Ridgley, artist and lawyer, for your generous donation of $50,000 to Legal Aid of Arkansas and the Center for Arkansas Legal Services. Generosity like yours makes a huge difference in the lives of our customers and the number of people we can serve. Your donation will provide free civil legal assistance to an additional 125 low-income families in Arkansan. What impact this will have not only on our organizations, but on all of Arkansas. We are very grateful for your support. Thank you Sarah! You can find your work here sarahridgley.com Everyone can receive free legal information by phone.
Call Lawline at 1-800-868-1212 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month to speak with a pro bono lawyer. If you`re 60 or older, you may be able to get free legal help from New Hampshire Legal Assistance`s Justice in Aging project. Call 1-888-353-9944 for assistance. After verification, one of our examiners/telephone recording specialists will call you. You will try to call within 5 business days of submitting the online registration. (Make sure you reply and that your voicemail is set up, not full, and you know how to check messages.) If you qualify for free legal aid from the NMLA, we can: Before CLEAR can help you, a screening officer must determine that you are eligible for services. Due to limited resources, lawyers and paralegals cannot speak to all callers, and services are for people with issues affecting basic needs such as housing, income, medical care and family safety.
If you are calling on behalf of someone else, CLEAR staff will decide if they can speak to you or if they need to speak directly to the person you are calling. Important Note: Customers who contact CLEAR*Sr after 9:15 am will be asked to leave a message with their name, phone number and if it is acceptable to leave a message. The CLEAR*SR line closes when the voice mail system is full. Low-income seniors can call the CLEAR line at 1-888-201-1014 starting at 9:15 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Low-income seniors who call the CLEAR* SR line at 1-888-387-7111 also have the option of switching to the CLEAR line and undergoing an eligibility check that day. New Hampshire Legal Aid provides free legal advice to eligible individuals. If you don`t qualify, you may be able to get a lawyer for a discounted rate or a lawyer who can help you with parts of your case.
Free pro bono legal aid – Find free or low-income legal aid. Most of our legal services are only available to individuals whose household income is at or below 125% of the federal poverty line. If you are 60 years of age or older and think your income is higher, you can contact the nearest legal aid office to find out if you are eligible for legal advice. If you have a “family law” legal problem, please read HERE before submitting an online application. Immigration Legal Services – Search your state for free legal service providers. for persons in immigration procedures. If you`re looking for basic information about the law, legal issues, and self-help solutions on a variety of topics, head over to WashingtonLawHelp. You will find hundreds of brochures and up-to-date materials on many topics that affect low-income people. These are classified by categories of legal problems. Apply online: You can also apply for legal aid online via CLEAR*Online.
In addition to asking friends and family for the name of a good lawyer or checking the phone book, you can find legal help online.