Let’s start with the name of a product that’s pretty accurate since it’s a multi-purpose device that can satisfy a handful of requirements in your home. There are many who will think that this product is not serving anything, but Nokia Home has managed to capture the hearts of most users who can no longer imagine their everyday life without it. The fact is that this device may not be needed by everyone, but only when you buy it will you become aware of the number of roles actually played by this miniature device.
Basically, the camera and sensor are built into this cylindrical device. The camera is 5MP, 1080p recording, and has a night mode of quite satisfying quality. Additionally, it also has a 2W speaker so you have the ability to speak with your device, and you can also have an overview of events at home by networking your iPhone or iPad. Moreover, you can make the device even more interesting, thanks to the lights that are built into the bottom of the cylinder. There is a possibility to let you sleep through just one command in the application.
What can be especially attractive is several ways of using it. At first you could use it as a simple baby monitor, although if you will only make use of it for that purpose it will be considered as an expensive device. In that case, you would need a nearby socket, and you should set all of this so that the child does not get the cable. The camera, like many other features, then become almost useless. So, it is best that in case if you only need a baby monitor, check some more favorable options on the market that will be equally useful for less money invested.

On the other hand, the camera function can become very useful in many other cases. When Nokia Home is located immediately opposite your front door, it can help you to be sure when leaving home, as you can set up notifications that will indicate you each time the device registers any movement. You will also receive notifications if anyone enters your home. This is also the best situation for the use of microphones, as there would be a precise sound record against any burglars.
The owner of the house can manage to record the high-resolution video shot of the burglar, thanks to the smart camera. Think about how much you would be happier if you managed to scare them and drive them away. From the point of view of design, Nokia Home can be very discreetly fit into the interior, but still to be clearly visible, because only in this way it would succeed in removing unwanted guests. In this way, this device could be of greater assistance in prevention than in safety.

Since the previous version of the device was used exclusively for control of the front door (although it covers a large enough field, it can serve to control the whole house), the question arises whether we can use both the new and the old at the same time. The answer, in this situation, is confirmed. In practice it’s pretty easy to set up and synchronize. The installation of the other device did not last for more than a minute, after which both devices appeared on the phone screen. In essence, in just a few minutes you can set up cameras to control the entire house. It’s much cheaper than professional systems and can be easily adapted to your needs. If you use this device in your family, log in using only one account and one email.
It is also important to mention the air quality sensor that has been added to this product, because, of course, it’s about Nokia Health. You will see all recorded values in a transparent chart. What is to be expected is that air quality during the day is better than night when there is not much air circulation and when more oxygen is used. Whenever the device detects lower air quality, the red light will shine, and this usually occurs at night. If you are only looking for a good air quality sensor, you will be able to find a much better device on the market. This is good, but only as an additional component on this device.

It’s also possible to set the device to light constantly during the night, say in the children’s room.
Nokia Home is basically a well-built device that provides home-based monitoring and is easy to install, and can cover many different functions in many different homes. We are convinced that you will not regret it if you buy it, regardless of whether you plan to actively use it or just as needed.
In addition, Nokia currently has a promotion for one Home service. You can get premium security free for 2 months if you use the FREESUM17 code before August 1st. This means that you will be able to watch Home HD quality video clips on the server for the next 30 days instead of the foreseen 48 hours. In any case, you will receive a trial period of one month. The subscription fee for this service is 7.95 euros per month for 7 days of data storage and 19.95 euros for 30 days.