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If you like eggs and selfies, this place is for you


A funny place for egg lovers. | AFP

“The House of the Egg” in Shanghai is a kind of Wonderland that not only impress you about the passion of this food but also you can enjoy your selfies with those eggs.

Two little girls dressed in pink and white dresses jumps energetically on a trampoline-shaped frying pan, while taking pictures using an instant camera.

In another room, a neon warns half a dozen people who move and take their pictures in what is supposed to represent a huge bowl of crate that “the last egg is rotten” .

If you like eggs, this place is for you. | AFP

The House of the Egg” is for its organizers a place of “sharing the universal love for eggs and a way to escape momentarily” the megalopolis of 24 million inhabitants.

29 dollars the entrance
Located on the third floor of a commercial center in the city, “The House of the Egg” is the work of the Chinese designer Xu Biubiu and the second installation of this type, after that of New York. A third is scheduled for November in Los Angeles.

Egg-shaped toilet, you’ve dreamed surely …. | AFP

It costs 198 yuan, or 29 dollars, for two adults to enter.

And visitors indulge in frenzy indoors at photo and selfies.

Aima Li exits, sheepishly, from the bowl of caret. “I’m a little old for that,” says the 29-year-old woman, glancing at the young people around them, closer to high school age.

The Chinese love eggs visibly … | AFP

Aima Li, who divides her time between Shanghai and Tokyo, will not fail to publish the clicks she has just taken with her friend on social networks.

I stayed a little girl. I love the decorations here, ” says Ling Jiamo, while posing in front of his boyfriend.

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