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How to protect ear while swimming (Tips to follow)



Swimming is a good exercise for persons who wants to be fit in any disciplines of life. In fact it is a very useful life skill. But you have to be very careful while swimming in the water as water can go in your ears which can affect your hearing capacity. As our ears are open for water to come inside, we have to take proper measures to protect our ears.

How to protect ears from water:

There are many safety measures, which can be taken by swimmers before they go inside the waters.

The diseases in ear while doing activity in the water:-


# Note that the first condition can remain, even after you complete your water activity unless you dry your ears properly by a clean towel or cloth.

Early symptoms of Swimmer’s ear, surfer’s ear and barotrauma include:-

When to get treated by a doctor:

Ear disease from swimming is very common for regular swimmers. Swimmers must consult to a ear specialist if they feel any affect in their hearing capacity, in fact they should regularly check their ears . Whereas for non regular swimmers it is also recommended to check their ears from a doctor before to go out for water activity.

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