In today’s era, it is truly unquestionable that food safety is one of the main agendas for our government. And FSSAI has been systematically inspecting various kinds of fields within the field of the food business industry. Due to these numerous shocking truths have been revealed concerning food licenses and other related laws. These are currently known to individuals at large in India these days.
- In the recent days, the FSSAI had uncovered alarming details in relation to infringement of food safety audit laws, chiefly in the milk processing industry, where the food safety department had found approximately 89.2% contamination in milk processed and sold all over the country.
- The unparalleled food safety control authority FSSAI has now discovered widespread uncontrolled contamination and adulteration in honey and its harmful effect. It has now brought out certain special food safety norms, with a view to confirm such foul practices.
#1. Why Has FSSAI released new Quality norms For Honey?
- As talked about over, the main food safety controller has seen far-reaching contamination in honey. This is due to ignorance or greed of various merchants in the nation who dependably assure to advertise only “100% pure trustworthy and natural honey”.
- The current anxiety of government for creating a new quality standard for honey has come in the light of the government’s comprehensive efforts in line with the advancement of apiculture. Besides, the government is worried about the apiculturists who tend to risk their lives and hard-earned money into this apiculture business with a dream to raise their income and savings.
- As per those specialists, the lately made quality strategy for the honey product will also authorize the agriculturists to get fairer rates for their product.
#2. How to discover if there is Adulteration in Honey?
- In accordance with the logical rules of FSSAI, the pure variety of honey is the one that satisfies all 18 factors of purity and perfection.
- Some of these elements in pure honey include sucrose content, glucose content, number of pollen grains, oligosaccharides and a few other natural components.
#3. What are the constituents of clean honey as per the new food safety standard?
The FSSAI has strictly ordered to issue of FSSAI registration and central or state FSSAI license by the wholesalers, distributors or the retail suppliers of honey and its items. Moreover, the food safety controller settled the maximum point of limit for adulteration in honey.
Now, according to the new standards, pure uncontaminated honey must contain-
- 5% of sucrose substance in the honey,
- 10% of carviacallosa compound and Honeydew honey.
- Maximum 20% of water content only should be existing; and
- Pollen grain content to be about 25,000 pollen-grains per gram of honey.
#4.What can Fssai Do to control Honey Adulteration?
- FSSAI has plainly said that on the off chance that a provider can’t sell an item as ‘unadulterated honey’ at that point no outer food contaminants that incorporates food added substances ought to be added to it.
- Honey should not be ready with the end objective that its fundamental characteristic piece is changed and its quality is influenced.
#5. What is pure honey according to FSSAI?
Other than FSSAI has given a plain definition of unadulterated honey, as per which-
“Honey is a sweet natural substance delivered by the honey bees from the nectar of blossoms and from different discharges of plants or aromatic herbs, which the honey bees gather, changes and stored in honeycombs for ageing.”
Obviously, the proximity of additional mixing is prohibited as per this definition.
#6. What are some other measures by FSSAI to guarantee food security?
- The uppermost food safety regulatory authority had recently carried out a food safety audit all over India.
- This was done to address the key concerns with regard to food safety and spreading consciousness among all the food businesses towards the support of food safety and hygiene in the special procedure engaged with the food processor.
In addition to that, the audit has also gone for ensuring the authenticity of the FSSAI registration and FSSAI license.
#7. What are the natural health benefits of pure Indian honey?
These are the natural health benefits of pure Indian honey:-
- High-quality honey consists of many essential antioxidants. These may be present in the form of organic acids and phenolic compounds similar to flavonoids.
- Scientists have found that the blend of these compounds makes honey a strong antioxidant.
- Interestingly, two studies have revealed that buckwheat type of honey will boost the antioxidant value in human blood.
- Antioxidants have been known to decrease threat of heart attacks, minor & major strokes and some particular types of cancer as well. They can also promote eyesight.
- Pure Indian honey can diminish quite a lot of risk factors that might affect heart health common in people especially type-2 diabetes.
- For instance, pure Indian honey decreases the “bad” LDL cholesterol, triglycerides as well as inflammation while increasing the “good” HDL cholesterol.
#8. How does honey lower bad cholesterol?
It is seen that High LDL cholesterol levels are a physically powerful risk factor for any kind of heart disease.
- This type of cholesterol is a very important factor of atherosclerosis, which is the fatty buildup inside your arteries. This may lead to a heart attack and other minor strokes.
- Now, what does honey do? Interestingly, a number of studies show that honey might improve your cholesterol level.
- It reduces overall as well as “bad” cholesterol. Not only that, it significantly raising “good” HDL cholesterol.
- For example, a study in 55 patients contrasted honey to a 1 tablespoon sugar and found that honey impacted in a 5.8% reduction in LDL. Thereby 3.3% was increased in HDL cholesterol.
- It can also lead to a humble weight loss of up to 1.3%.
Here are some of the other benefits:-
- A review of 26 kinds of research on honey and injury care found honey was most effective at therapeutic partial hard burns and injuries that have become infected after surgery.
- Honey is also an effective treatment for diabetic ulcers in the foot, which are in serious complications that might lead to foot amputation.