Not only the app that provided the data to Cambridge Analytica has access to your profile. In fact, it is likely that more than one is there without you knowing.
The Facebook and Cambridge Analytica was not exactly information theft . In fact, you gave permission to take your data, without knowing it;. And the app that generated all this mess is not the only one that has interfered in your profile; that is almost certain. At least if you are a common user of the social network.
The data that these apps have already collected, will not come back. But you can prevent them from doing it in future and can know exactly what applications have access to your information; In addition to knowing exactly what information they can access.
Which apps have access to your information on Facebook?
I think you will discover that many more than you thought. And those have access to more information than you imagine. Personally, I got a surprise . So you can find out:
First, go to Settings . Once there, click on Applications ; one of the last options on the left side.
Here you will see all the apps that have access to your information. Do you recognize them all? Clicking on the application; You will know exactly what information they are accessing. Most may seem normal: see your name, gender and perhaps date of birth. But some overreach without meaning, like the following :
The information that this application is accessing is simply excessive and unjustified. In fact, I do not remember where it came from or when I gave it access; And that’s another problem: maybe you do not recognize more than one app because at the time you gave them access; They did not show you their name. This usually happens in classic Facebook games like “So you’d see the opposite sex ·” . They ask you for your access, you give them; although you do not really to whom you are offering your information.
Now, you can completely remove an app’s access to your profile; that is on the right when you pass the cursor through the app.
If you do not want to erase it; You can also select it and where the information you share appears, uncheck the boxes. That is the way you will stop sharing that information; although there is one that is mandatory because it has to do with the operation of the application; but it is usually more basic and standard information.