Debt Recovery Procedure Rules


(1) These rules may be referred to as the Rules of Procedure of the Debt Collection Tribunal, 1993. 22[i) a statement detailing the debt owed by a defendant and the circumstances of that debt; and also includes details of the case and the decision in that case to be reviewed;] Description of the property or asset with its location that secures the debt. (iii) Require that any application submitted to the Court be amended in accordance with the Rules of Procedure; Considering that this honorable court is pleased to issue a subpoena/notice of such request pursuant to section 19(4) of the Act (OA) against you for the recovery of claims in the amount of .__/- (request accompanied by copies of documents, etc. in the Schedule). (i) the total amount of claims to be determined. 23. Additional powers and duties of the Clerk. – in addition to the powers conferred elsewhere in these Rules of Procedure, the Registrar shall, subject to a general or special order of the President, have the following powers and obligations, namely: 19[a) the branch or other office of the applicant acts as a bank or financial institution and shall keep an account in which the claim is pending at the moment: (iv) if the estimated value is insufficient; cover the joint and several liability claimed with future interest rates on other real estate or assets known to the claimant with an estimated value of such other property or assets. The applicant claims that the subject matter of recovery of the debts due falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance. (ii) the amount of the claim, as in a timely manner, secured by security rights in the assets or assets of the defendant with an indication of the assets and assets secured. 4. Procedure for filing applications. – (1) 8 [The application referred to in Article 19, Article 31A or Article 30(1) of the Law may, as far as possible, be submitted in Form I, Form II or III], annexed by the applicant in person or by his representative or by a lawyer duly authorised to the registrar of the court within his jurisdiction, or by registered mail to the Registrar.

(v) Amount of unsecured debt or part of the debt not covered by the estimated value of the secured and other immovable property. Note: The main rules have been published in the India Gazette, Part II, Section 3, Subsection (i) with the number G.S.R564(E) of 5 August 1993 and last amended with the notification number G.S.R.407(E) of 6 April 2016. Part of the debt not covered by rupee securities.] G.S.R. 564 E).—In the exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 1) and (2) and 2 of the 1993 Regulation on the Recovery of Claims on Banks and Financial Institutions (25 of 1993), the Central Government adopts the following rules, namely:— 28[16. Notification of final injunctions to the parties.— Any final order and recovery certificate issued to the plaintiff and defendant either in person. or by registered mail free of charge and can also be downloaded from the court`s website: 27[15A. Publication of the names of defaulting debtors: – the court may have the names of defaulting debtors communicated in the newspaper or by other means after the adoption of the final order/recovery certificate by the Court of Justice at its sole discretion.] (I) Issuance of a recovery certificate for the recovery of an amount of Rs……. (Rupees ……….. only) including a sum of Rs…………

(Rupees ………….. only) in accordance with the Decree of O.S. No.. dated……. adopted by_____________________ with an interest in the. Rate of……% from________________ on the date of realization with costs. 22. Powers and duties of the Clerk. – 1.

The Registrar shall be responsible for the archives of the Court of First Instance and shall perform the other tasks assigned to him by these Rules of Procedure or by the President by a separate written order. Rs. 12,000 plus Rs. 1,000 for each lakh debt or part thereof exceeding Rs.10 lakhs, subject to a maximum amount of Rs.1,50,000 / – “(i) declaration, details of the debt owed by a * [defendant] and the circumstances in which such debt matured;”. 4. In the main rules, in Rule 5A, in sub-rule (2) for the words `sixty days`, the words `thirty days` shall be replaced. (I) Issuance of a recovery certificate for the recovery of an amount of Rs…… (Rupees ……….


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