Content has always been the king and with every passing day it keeps on offering a tremendous opportunity to the businesses for boosting the results.
When you deliver relevant and valuable content to the users, you can improve the online reputation, grow advocates and build a community around it.
But in spite of that, over 60% of businesses don’t have a documented marketing strategy of content that is well-documented.
Without a strategy, failure or success is just a matter of luck and all the efforts can go to waste. So learning about the content strategy has become one of the most essential educational needs today.
So if you have been wondering how to create a content strategy here are some of the tips to get you going. Take a look.
- Build More Targeted Landing Pages – Once you opt for creating advanced guides for internet marketing topics and SEO, chances are that you will be able to double up your search traffic. Research suggests that there are companies that generated about 55% more revenue by optimizing the landing pages with the keywords that are right. So you should consistently seek to learn more about your industry, customers and then integrate the new discoveries into the creation of contents. Successful businesses can have dozens of landing pages, each of which is aimed at keywords that the audience love or are passionate about. So at the time of creating landing pages, you should think strategically and build the contents around the right ones.
- Know Your Audience – A successful content marketing strategy needs you to be clear about who your audience is. Only then you will be able to curate and create the right content for them. You need to take certain actions in regards to this which are enlisted here-
a. Collect Demographic Data – You have to collect the demographics of your email subscribers, visitors and followers on social media.
The email subscriber analytics, social media and web analytics will give you these data regarding the audience’s
- Gender
- Age
- Income
- Education
b. Get Feedback from Customers – You should try and collect feedback from your current customers. This will help you to –
- Understand the subscribers’ and readers’ priorities
- Determine the best places to reach the customers
- Flesh your buyer personas that are discussed later
Through feed backs, it will give you insights into –
- How your audience feels about your contents that you are creating
- What their urgent needs are
- How you will be able to address those concerns in your contents
c. Create Buyer Personas – With the customer feed backs and demographics, you can flesh out or create the buyer personas. The customer avatars or buyer personas describe your ideal customers or readers so that you can present better content. The best ones include the info on the challenges, pain points, behavioral motivators and sources of info about your customers.
With all these you will have a better understanding of the kind of contents that they will –
- help them
- respond to
- care about
- Run a Content Audit – Most start out with blog posts but if you desire to venture and trying to produce other content pieces you should consider what you want. For example, if you have been doing weekly blog posts for about a year, you can now create an ebook that brings together all the posts. This will enact like the ultimate guide and that can be one way to offer info in a format that is different. If you have been in the business for a while then you can review the content marketing efforts of yours and the results from it by running a content audit. Analyse what you can do differently in the upcoming year and establish new goals to reach. This is the time to align the team’s goals with the rest of the goals of your business.
- Try the Hedgehog Model for Contents – This means just like a small rounded mammal, you should start your content marketing strategy with what you have and then scale it up from there. You should not worry about your blog not gaining a million likes. Instead begin small and constantly use the content marketing strategy that helps you reach the goals. Follow these –
a) Create a Comprehensive Content Plan
b) Go for Content Audit from time to time
c) Opt for a Production Plan
d) Observe your KPIs and Performance Measures
e) Identify the distribution channels for your contents and create Distribution Plan
So instead of 1000 visitors, aim for a 100 first. Make sure that the goal is measurable and realistic. Once you are able to hit the smaller goal follow the hedgehog model and treat your contents well. This will make your visitors share them without regrets across channels and beyond.
These are just some of the things that you need to keep in mind for creating a solid content marketing strategy that will further improve the digital marketing strategy for your business and augment your traffic and conversions.