Coronavirus: A deadly disease report 2020!

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Unfortunately, the coronavirus disease is spreading at a vast rate. Many people are suffering from this problem, and the governments of almost all the countries have passed the rule of lockdown. It is a disease that could be transmitted from one person to another very quickly. Only by touching the infected person, one may get deceased. Also, the particles of this deadly virus are present in the air. Therefore going out of the house is quite difficult. It is recommended by the government to stay inside the house.

If you want to live a healthy life, then follow the rules of social distancing. In this article, we are going to talk about all the factors related to the Coronavirus and the cases detected and cured. Along with this, we are also going to talk about the death rate due to Coronavirus.

History of coronavirus

COVID-19 started spreading from Wuhan a place in China. In the beginning, the Chinese government said that it is not a deadly disease, and they can control the spread. But unfortunately, due to the speed of multiplying, the virus increased, and the spread rate also increased.

After China, all the Travelers who back to their home country from China tour or those who have a history of China travel were suspected as the carrier of the disease. And in a short period, the disease was spread all over the world.

The worst point of this disease is that it could be transmitted from person to person very quickly. And this reason became the main reason for the transmission of the deadly disease. All the powerful countries like the USA have tried a lot to control the spread, but unfortunately, even after having the best medical facilities, they are unable to do so.

Now further, we are going to talk about the transmission and symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms of Coronavirus:

In the starting stage, when the disease was getting transmitted, three symptoms were detected. Those three symptoms are:

  1. The first one is a high fever. But the fever should be a week old.
  2. The second is breathlessness. It is the primary symptom to detect that the person is suffering from Coronavirus or not.
  3. And the third one is a dry cough.

The three were the initial symptoms, but as the disease spread, some more symptoms are also diagnosed.

  1. The first one is that you have a frequent fever, but it is not consistent. It means your
    temperature is high in every 2-3 days.
  2. And the second diagnosis was no symptoms. It means a person who is a carrier of this disease will have no symptoms in the incubation period.
  3. How could this disease be spread?

There are a few ways by which this disease could be transmitted very easily. Some of them are:

  1. By coming in contact with the carrier person.
  2. Eating unpacked food is touched by many people before coming to your plate.
  3. By sneezing or coughing of the infected person.

Apart from this, there could be a chance that this disease could be transmitted through air particles.

Therefore one has to take care of a lot of things before going outside and coming back to the house.

How can we cure this disease?

Now to cure this disease, we can only maintain social distancing. It is because there is no medicine of this disease till now. Doctors are working to discover a vaccine, but unfortunately, it will take at least one year. Therefore for a year, it is suggested to maintain the social distancing rule and keep you, and
you’re surrounding clean and take care of hygiene.

Until or unless there is some vaccine for this disease, we cannot cure it.

Apart from this, work on your body’s immunity system. Immunity is the one thing that could with the deadliest disease and save your life. More immunity system is healthy more you are secure from any disease. Especially in the case of Coronavirus immunity plays a significant role. It helps an individual body to fight with the virus and kill it at the starting stage. Therefore it is recommended to do proper yoga at your home and eat healthy food.

It could be the best decision for any individual to be safe and take care of their body. Apart from this, we cannot do anything unless a vaccine is discovered.

The number of cases and other reports:

  • The number of confirmed, recovered and death rates are given below.
  • The number of confirmed cases has reached 4.29 million.
  • The number of people who recovered from this disease is 1.51 million.
  • The death rate reached 293 k till today.

Therefore we can say that doctors are working a lot and trying to recover more people. We must support the doctors, and they do their work efficiently.

The number of cases detected in India:

  • In India, the total number of cases confirmed is 78041.
  • The active number of cases is 49189.
  • The number of individuals who recovered from this disease is 26300.
  • And the number of deaths in India is 2547.

Therefore we can say that the rate of spreading of this disease in India is meager, and the number of recovered cases is considerable. It is possible because it had passed the rule of lockdown before the number of cases reached 500.

Bottom lines:
Now we can say that it is a deadly disease, but the sincerity of citizens and government can help to cure or stop the spread. Therefore it is the time to support the people who are working for us. The police officers, doctors, social workers, government officials, nurses, and many more people who are working in this pandemic situation deserves respect.

Hopefully, we will win the battle and will recover from this disease. It is not time to get scared of Coronavirus. Instead, we should follow the rules and health government to fight. It is for our health, life, and family, so we have to contribute.


About Savi

Savi is a regular writer and social activist. She also writes for BBC, Huffington Posts and others.

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