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9 UX Statistics Your Website Design Must Pursue

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Time to seat with your designing team and devise a plan for an all ‘fresh’ look of own brand site? Well, are you aware which aspect should be your prime priority all throughout – from content creation to plug-in inclusion?

That across the domain’s browsing route, User Experience (UX) is not compromised but enriched even more.

And why? Because as upholds one latest study of the Guardian –

Thus, as opines the pro website design services Singapore, whether you are endeavoring to sell herbal cosmetics or offer engineering services through the net:

your website must and must be ‘framed’, ‘typed’ and optimized in accordance to “just that they prefer”.

Now to help you have a better idea about how the strategy to this end should be structured, in here is presented 9 most distinctive insights into what’s ‘making the cut’ amongst the online shoppers.

Alarm 1 For 48% of consumers, a site’s design quality comes first when to ascertain the parent brand’s integrity.

And no “cookie-cutter” approach will work to ‘impress’ them. Offer them a layout, which strikes the mind in real-time but is fittingly simplistic to readily interpret ‘you’.

Moreover, remember for establishing the very ‘first impression’, you retain only 10 seconds. If not ‘affected’ within that span, arriving traffic is sure to switch over to competitor’s portal.

Alarm 2 A ‘below -the-standard’ mobile UX will make about 62% of customers to reject your business forever.

You surely do not want to be ‘de-reputed’ in front of a growing market of 120 million+ purchasers, right? So, invest optimally to construct a finely mobile-attuned domain and during the venture, keep in mind these aspects –

Alarm 3 Be it from their PC or smart-phone, 73% consumers desire contents to be perfectly readable and easily accessible.

Whether your designers are vowing for the sticky navigation style/hamburger menu or that exquisite vertical sliding pattern – analyze during A/B testing how much user-convenient the module is appearing to be – on a universal spectrum.

Also, in the perspective of veteran website design services Singapore, your content should be ‘read-optimized’ through best practices like:

Alarm 4 Usage of more vivid colors as background themes and graphic textures for page layouts has proven to heighten a portal’s recognition by over 80X all across the Web.

Catching the point? Stimulate own designers to resort to more of lively shades and figurative illustrations to represent your ‘story’.

And thereupon strengthen own scope to experience –

Alarm 5 When implemented, the Responsive framework has particularly been helpful to brands for accomplishing about 10% increase in their CTR benchmark.

At a time when

it only smoothens your progress to journey, to retain an universally ‘responding’ designing framework.

Alarm 6 83% of online shoppers expect a brand to offer ‘seamless experience’ throughout all web platforms.


And, as brought forward by studies of acclaimed website design services singapore :

isn’t it time for your web design structure to fine-tune with AI and turn ‘Device-Agnostic’; thereby catering perfect and persistent omni-platform UX to each purchaser?

 Alarm 7 Dynamic site videos influence, in real-time, 73% of visitors to make a purchase from you.

But remember as well that –

So, be it for background theme/ product description/telling the story/ or the purpose of ‘V-blogging’, be ‘fast’ – while not compromising quality as

Alarm 8 Post landing, 64% visitors search for your ‘Contact Us’ section and 52% remain more interested in exploring the ‘About Us’ part.

In accordance to the internationally famous website design services keeping clarity and readiness of access over information and ‘what’s the business’ about is a designer’s foremost task; coming at second the ingenuity he/she wants to ‘put in’.

Because if not:

Alarm 9 Scheduled attunement of website design with best practices and Google updates can bring home 117% ‘more’ site visits with 113% increase in sales-related clicks.

A bit more of work pressure for your designers, right? Well, it results in holistic growth and good for the business and, in effect, adds up to their official enhancement only.

Your main takeaway: An optimized web design catering flawless UX to your every client can multiply portal’s conversion level by 400X. (Forrester)

Prospective commerce to You!

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