There are many things about quartz kitchen countertops that you may know but most of them are more of a myth and not the fact. This article will help you know the actual facts about the stone that you never knew before.
Thinking of having a worktop installed in the different corners of your household brings you to so many material options. One of them is quartz, which is the most sought-after countertop alternative. While the engineered stone is considered to offer a lot of benefits to homeowners or office owners, there are a lot of things that you being the next user of the stones must know. You may come across some of the facts about the material that may confuse you or lead to obvious misconceptions about the quartz kitchen countertops.
No Hot Pans Allowed, Please
As soon as you hear the heat-resistant feature of quartz, you assume it to be heat-protected. But guys, you need to know that being heat resistant and heat-protected are two completely different things. Being resistant to heat, quartz may bear the hot bases of your utensils but that doesn’t mean that the material will have no effect on it even if you put too hot bases on the material.
Pure Quartz? Not at all
If you have a misconception that the material you are using for your worktop is 100 percent quartz, you need to research more. The engineered stone is composed of random stone aggregate and materials along with resin and polymer binder. In addition to these, some pigments are available which are used for the quartz worktop colors and patterns
DIY for Quartz Is No Option
If you are opting for a quartz stone thinking that it will be a good Do-It-Yourself option, you must look for some other material for your countertop. This stone needs experts hands for installation and maintenance. You must remember that.
Using Remnants Is Possible
The stone is comparatively expensive but then it comes with a choice. You know what? You can use the remainder or remnants of the stone for the new worktop creation.
Can’t Chip Is a Misconception
When you hear that the stone quartz is durable enough, you assume automatically that it’s all protected from all hard-wearing treatment. Well, it’s not that easy. The material may be durable but it can definitely chip. It is scratch-resistant but not scratch-free.
More Popular Than Granite
The worktop materials, when thought of, granite is considered as the most preferable material but quartz has overcome the popularity of the former. It has become the most popular worktop material in town.
It’s for sure that the above points have been successful in making you aware of so many facts that you hardly knew about the stone. The size limitations do restrict the options of quartz available to you but anyway, it still serves to be the best. The colors and patterns of the worktops are huge. As a result, you can easily make your choice based on the interiors to make everything complement each other.
If you want to opt for the best one, having a look at quartz worktops in London online or offline would let you come across varied options. Go for it and create a magical kitchen interface after the installation.