These Trends Are Positively Influencing the Tourism Industry A Great Deal
Amid growing tendency for tourism among masses, there is also a realization of the problem of overcrowding in most of the major cities around the world. Both the travellers and locals are suffering from the congestion that popped out of the flocking of these large numbers of tourists and India is at the top of the list.
Therefore, people started searching for the alternatives for tourist destinations and touring plans. This search gave birth to a number of latest travel trends. Now people tend to opt for unbeaten tracks and less crowded destinations.
In short, if you are endeavouring to India and want to enjoy every bit of it, we advise you to cast a glance at this article so that you know the latest trends which are enlightening the tourism industry nowadays.
A bonus tip, if you are travelling with a lot of luggage, you can save many by sending it through a cargo company like this in advance. The excess baggage costs at airlines will be pocket breaking.
Challenge Travel
This trend has filled the travellers’ journey with adventure and excitement. Following this trend, travellers aim not for the same old things but challenge themselves to achieve short challenges such as things they have never done before.
All the challenging circumstances they pass through while pursuing such ambitions, double the fun of their endeavours. Some examples are camping somewhere far-off from the population, climbing some cliff or walking through an unknown jungle. India is like a heaven for such adventurers and offers a great deal of sites to complete their challenges.
Absorb In the Local Culture
This trend is quite interesting and offers many avenues to explore the Indian culture and connect with the local community. This trends is though quite recent, yet it is followed by many travellers all over the world.
By absorbing in the local culture, the travellers feel at home and get to observe closely the foreign culture. Moreover, this trend means that the tourist has to stay as a paying guest at some local’s residence which in turns helps uplifting the economic condition of the host.
Indian people are quite friendly towards the tourists and travellers fall in love with the hospitality of the natives.
Communal Spaces in Hotels and Hostels
The essence of travelling lies in the interaction with the places and people that is why hotels and hostels are focusing on creating communal spaces for travellers. These places allow tourists to meet and greet with people from different regions of the world.
This activity has enhanced the scope of tourism a great deal and tourists make a lot of friends and thus the concept of diversity but unity flourishes. Hotels may provide you a smaller bedroom but a larger communal room. These communal spaces are serving as a focal point for all the public travellers.
This new trend has been welcomed whole heartedly in India and there is a surge noticed in the construction of large communal spaces in hotels and hostels all across India.
Conscious Travel
The term ‘conscious travel’ might seem a bit weird to you because after all, who is not conscious while travelling? However, this consciousness is a bit different one and a more effective one. While following the conscious travel trend, the travellers tend to stay watchful of their influence on the lives of locals and the economy of that travel destination.
This conscious approach is also resulting in the promotion of eco-friendly travel. Travellers buy local products from the local markets in order to leave a positive impact on the native economy. Moreover, travellers are more interested in promoting their contacts with the locals and so that they receive positive vibes from them. A great change has been brought by this trend in India and local people now welcome the travellers warmer than ever before.
Multigenerational Travel
In 2017, it was observed that the trend of solo travel was quite famous. However, there is a major change this year and a more positive one. Now families are following the trend of multigenerational travel. Multigenerational travel allows the family members of all ages such as grandparents, parents and children to travel together.
Where on one hand, this trend allows the older generation to feel young again, it also enables the family to connect to each other more strongly because travel mates come closer to each other while travelling. Therefore, if you happen to see a small group of tourists comprising of people of all ages passing by you in India, know that they are following the same venerated trend.
Art Tours
Art is a universal language as one doesn’t have to learn any foreign language to enjoy the art. There is a craving in human nature for art and that has given birth to an all new travel trend known as Art Tours.
Tourists, before visiting a travel destination, search about the museums, street art and other art related activities using internet and then visit those areas only for the sake of providing themselves with pleasure. India is perfect for all those art enthusiasts owing to its great history and amazing museums.