Cyber security is increasing at an alarming rate and users are not taking protective measures. Check the 10 countries implementing countermeasures.
A decade ago, cybersecurity wasn’t a big deal for individuals and businesses, but now the internet has lured in hackers and spammers from every corner of the cyber world. There is a handful of issues that comes under cybersecurity, but the most threatening ones are increasing data breaches and the jurisdiction of that country.
If you or the VPN provider is not aware of the cybersecurity laws of the jurisdiction being operated, then be ready to face penalties and fines.
To investigate the cybersecurity laws, Comparitech published a report which is a study of “60 countries”with the best and worst cybersecurity laws, uncovering distinctions across several categories from malware issues to cybersecurity legislatures.
Let’s begin!
Report Ranking Criteria
The report divided the analysis into seven categories:
- The percentage amount of mobile devices infected by the software designed to harvest and get access to, disrupt the mobile device system.
- The percentage of computers injected with software created to get unauthorized access to the system to disrupt and destroy it.
- The percentage of crypto mining attacks which takes over a computer and use it to mine the currency illegally.
- The number of financial malware attacks recorded and software created to steal user credentials (bank account details).
- Best prepared countries against cyber attacks
- Countries with updated legislation and drafts for cybersecurity laws.
- The number of telnet attacks (country-wise). It is a method used by cybercriminals to make users download multiple malware.
Sources of the Attack
Having a strong shield against cybersecurity is the ability of an organization that continues to operate by preventing against bigger attacks. Majority of the attacks come from people who hack for profit or for political reasons. Sources of attackers are in big numbers and some of the sources don’t even know that they are helping the attackers.
A corporation have customers, vendors, employees, auditors, software developers, consultants and whatnot; more the workforce better for hackers to intrude – because it’s a human error that let a data breach to occur. But, we cannot overlook the hacking skills of a hacker that let him/her to intrude, no matter how protected you or your organization is; keeping the data-selling practices aside.
Best Prepared for Cyber Attacks
According to the report, the following countries are considered the best for cybersecurity. The countries were ranked from 0.000 to 1.000; 1.000 being the highest rating. Among the 60 countries, these countries are already prepared to face cyber attacks; this doesn’t mean hackers afraid to take chances in these countries.
- Singapore — .925
- United States — .919
- Malaysia — .893
- Australia — .824
- France — .819
- Canada — .818
Countries Best Equipped With Cyber Attacks
No matter which country is providing secure prevention methods for Cybersecurity, it is still advised to make your online presence less vulnerable and difficult to break – at least for hackers; the best practice to go with security tools like antivirus, VPN, Firewall, etc.
Don’t just randomly select a VPN randomly, only the VPN with the best services can manage to offer uber security; a VPN protects your online identity.
Your part is over, let’s find out which countries are favorable for our online freedom.
Thanks to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for coming up with Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI).
These countries are not listed on the basis of its online privacy policies or policies for cyber attacks but rather on the preventive aspects.
In late 2017 China incorporated a new Cyber Security Law whose primary purpose is to increase the national security which later attracted a heated discussions amongst foreign businesses. While China is known for the most strict censorship policies that restricts the majority of the foreign media and websites.
The US is one of the countries that has experienced a lot of cyber attacks and is still facing them, which is why around 58% of the cybersecurity companies are involved there trying to find new ways to fight against attacks. Data on entities is available on US Cybersecurity companies.
Russia is accused very often for cyber espionage and attacks as stated by Reuters. Political opponents make this accusation, but it isn’t hard to say that they also know how to protect themselves against cyber threats.
The federal government of Canada has been expected to spend on an average $1 billion on Cybersecurity. This indicates that the country is spending a big budget on its cybersecurity for prevention.
United Kingdom
The UK government is taking strict countermeasures to prevent rising cyber threats by improving their cybersecurity standards. According to it, the minimum security measures the government departments that are to be implemented to protect the information technology and other digital security departments.
Israel is among the top and the second largest ranking nation that deals in cybersecurity and the number is growing rapidly because of the emergence of new startup companies.
Malaysia is ranked third by the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2017 and is very well prepared in terms of security behind Singapore. It is among the most secure Asian countries that are trying hard to protect against cyber attacks.
The country has come up with intrusion, detection, and prevention systems that cooperate with private and public institutions. Its e-governance services have increased, and they now know, how to deal with the cyber threat.
France falls under this category as well and is working its way to building an effective cybersecurity strategy by pairing up with the UK, China, USA, and Russia with a strong partnership.
Sweden belongs to the country where the percentage of malware is the lowest in the world with only 19.88%. The country is taking extra precautionary measures to enhance its security strategy and fighting against cyber terror threats.